Results for "Information and Referral, Florida, USA"
72 results statewide
Description: Provides a centralized system that offers community resource navigation and referral for children with potential developmental, learning, or behavioral concerns.
Description: Provides around-the-clock supportive intervention, information, and resource referrals, including self-help support and groups, professional treatment referrals, and more.
Description: Provides confidential crisis intervention and information and referral services.
Description: Provides information entities that offer programs and services related to health, financial stability, mental health, job search, financial counseling, emergency aid and more.
Information and Referral
West Oakland Park Boulevard Location
10650 West Oakland Park Blvd, Sunrise, FL, 33351
6 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon, Thurs, Fri, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Tue, Wed, 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Description: Provides information to Sunrise residents regarding existing available state, federal and county programs to meet social service's needs; outreach available for home bound clients.
Information and Referral
North State Road 7 Location - Suite 102
4800 North State Road 7, Suite 102, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33319
9 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Assist consumers with connections to valuable community resources necessary to support their independence and full integration into society.
Information and Referral
South Pine Island Road Location
5890 South Pine Island Road, Suite 201, Davie, FL, 33328
10 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon - Thurs, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Fri, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Description: Provides information and referrals concerning community resources for social services.
Information and Referral
Northwest 10th Street Location
6009 Northwest 10th Street, Margate, FL, 33063
11 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a registration office where seniors are interviewed regarding their areas of interest to determine what services they are likely to enjoy and also directs members to the proper local government agencies serving seniors in Browar
Joe DiMaggio - Social Work
North 35 Avenue Location - Suite 200
1131 North 35 Avenue, Suite 200, Hollywood, FL, 33021
16 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Offers psychological and social evaluation of the patient's needs and assistance with social, emotional, and environmental problems.
Kinship Initiatives for Supportive Services (K.I.S.S.)
Southwest 55th Street Location
12233 Southwest 55th Street, Suite 801, Cooper City, FL, 33330
9 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Assists children and caregivers with respite care, home and community-based services (individualized family needs assessments, targeted case management services, linkage to community resources and public benefits.
Livestrong Fertility Program
Not a Physical Location
Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33331
9 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides reproductive information, resources, and financial support.
Locate Resources
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Tamarac, FL, 33321
6 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a locator to find local community and social support.
MS Support Services
West Commercial Boulevard Location
3250 West Commercial Boulevard, Suite 340, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309
12 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides support services to persons with MS, including self-help groups, social groups and programs, group wellness classes, information and referral, education, and case management.
MyFLVet Peer Support Helpline
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309
12 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides comprehensive information and referral to VA-funded services and community-based services to connect military members, veterans, and their families to help.
Narcotics Anonymous - Gold Coast
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33351
6 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a meeting locator or support group of two or more recovering addicts who meet regularly at a specific time and place for recovery from the disease of addiction
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
Not A Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33319
9 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides mental health counseling and support such as Information and Referral for women before, during, and after pregnancy.
Older Adult Helpline
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309
12 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides older adults 24-hour telephone helpline services who may need help with a health or human service problem or may need crisis intervention.
Outreach and Social Services
Northwest 16th Avenue Location
4141 Northwest 16th Avenue, Lauderhill, FL, 33313
9 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Description: Provides information and referral services to local, state, county, federal, and nonprofit agencies.
Patient Program
3201 West Commercial Boulevard Location
3201 West Commercial Blvd, Suite 237, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309
12 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Description: Provides referrals to local Cystic Fibrosis care centers where patients can meet, discuss treatments, therapies, drugs, etc.
Patient Resource Education Program (PREP)
South University Drive Location - Suite 326
2 South University Drive, Suite 326, Plantation, FL, 33324
8 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sun, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Description: Provides a mentor who shares stories, tips, advice, and concerns with others who may be new to the journey, helping to reassure them that they're not alone in their fight.
Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, Sat, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sun, 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM (CST)
Description: Provides information and answers about reproductive/pregnancy health and access to health resources.
Description: Attempts to increase public awareness and knowledge about MS. Information is available on both traditional and alternative treatments for MS patients and a free newsletter, informational brochure, toll-free support phone services.
Referrals and Resources
Griffin Road Location
6100 Griffin Road, Davie, FL, 33314
12 Miles—Get Directions
Description: SN ONLY - Provides various community resources and referrals to assist individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families.
Renter Counseling and Resources
Not a Physical Location
Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33331
9 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a hotline that offers renter counseling to help manage unexpected circumstances.
Resource Center
Southeast 6th Street Location - Room 880
201 Southeast 6th Street, Room 880, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33301
15 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides resource information and referrals for parties involved with Unified Family Court Divisions (domestic relations, domestic violence, dependency, delinquency) and other interested parties.
Senior Center
Northwest 2nd Street Location - 227
227 Northwest 2nd Street, Deerfield Beach, FL, 33441
18 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Description: Provides supportive services that help improve independence and encourages involvement in the community. Activities include physical fitness/ exercise room, counseling, nutrition, recreation, information and referral, and more.
South Florida Region of Narcotics Anonymous
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33351
6 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a support group for individuals using narcotics with the desire to stop using. The program advocates complete abstinence from all substance use.
Special Needs Connections
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309
12 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a "No Wrong Door" approach of entry into the Broward County System of Special Education and related services. The program offers more than basic information and referral services.
Special Needs Connections Website
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309
12 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Description: Provides a comprehensive website to support children with developmental and physical disabilities and their families.
Teen Hotline
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309
12 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides youth, teens, and young adults a 24-hour comprehensive helpline and support services for teenagers seeking crisis intervention, emotional support, suicide care support, and information and referrals to health and human services.
US Army - Assistance Hotlines
Not A Physical Location
Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310
15 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Information and Referral for families of active US Army military.
Veterans Services
North University Drive Location - Room 4108B
1 North University Drive, Room 4108B, Plantation, FL
5622 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides various services including Outreach, Information, Referral and Linkage, and Benefits and Claims Processing. Services are focused on attainment and/or maintenance of self-sufficiency.