Emergency Prevention Outreach

North State Road 7 Location - Suite 102

4800 North State Road 7, Suite 102, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33319

9 Miles—Get Directions

(954) 722-6400

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM



Description: SN ONLY - Provides an Emergency Prevention and Readiness Outreach Program that includes: coordinating services for individuals with disabilities before and after the storm, preparing home for the hurricane, and more.

Description: SN ONLY - Provides an Emergency Prevention and Readiness Outreach Program that includes: coordinating services for individuals with disabilities before and after the storm, preparing home for the hurricane, and more.

Disaster Relief Repairs

North State Road 7 Location - Suite 102

4800 North State Road 7, Suite 102, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33319

9 Miles—Get Directions

(954) 722-6400



Description: Assists with repairs or damage to their residents, taking down hurricane shutters, accessing generators for power restoration, even coordinating temporary living arrangements, or obtaining wheelchairs or other medical devices.

Description: Assists with repairs or damage to their residents, taking down hurricane shutters, accessing generators for power restoration, even coordinating temporary living arrangements, or obtaining wheelchairs or other medical devices.

Alert FTL - Emergency Alert Program

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33301

15 Miles—Get Directions

(954) 828-8000

Contact Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week



Description: Provides alerts about emergencies, important community news, and critical information in various situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

Description: Provides alerts about emergencies, important community news, and critical information in various situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

Code RED Emergency Notification System

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Ocala, FL, 34475

237 Miles—Get Directions

(352) 629-2489

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM (Call Center)



Description: Provides real-time alerts, warnings, community emergencies, missing person reports, evacuation notices, severe weather alerts, boil water notices, and more.

Description: Provides real-time alerts, warnings, community emergencies, missing person reports, evacuation notices, severe weather alerts, boil water notices, and more.


Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) are citizen volunteers trained to respond in an emergency. The following Broward cities have staff certified as CERT instructors:

Description: CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) are citizen volunteers trained to respond in an emergency. The following Broward cities have staff certified as CERT instructors:

Volunteer - Miramar

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Pembroke Pines

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Wilton Manors

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Coral Springs

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

(954) 346-1774

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Hallandale Beach

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Hollywood

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Fort Lauderdale

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Tamarac

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Volunteer - Davie

Not A Pysical Location

Not A Physical Location, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33310

15 Miles—Get Directions

(954) 797-1213



Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

Description: Provides an eight-week training class. With additional training CERT, volunteers perform community service duties to support local Emergency Management and Emergency Services.

National Flood Insurance Program

C Street SW Location

500 C Street SW, FEMA, Washington, DC, 20472

898 Miles—Get Directions

(800) 638-6620

Contact Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Description: For details on National Flood Insurance Program, see full description

Description: For details on National Flood Insurance Program, see full description

Disaster Relief - Miscellaneous Agencies

Fort Lauderdale FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Use for special referrals specific to any single disaster e.g. Hurricane where emergency relief utilizes agencies not listed in our database.

Description: Use for special referrals specific to any single disaster e.g. Hurricane where emergency relief utilizes agencies not listed in our database.

Disaster Relief - Victims Resources/Legal Assistance

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Resources for victims of a natural disaster are listed in the full description

Description: Resources for victims of a natural disaster are listed in the full description

Hurricane Preparation - Elderly

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Elderly residents are especially vulnerable in an emergency. In addition to routine preparedness preparations, elderly residents should take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS

Description: Elderly residents are especially vulnerable in an emergency. In addition to routine preparedness preparations, elderly residents should take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS

Disaster Transportation

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: When an evacuation is ordered, if buses are in service already, Broward County Transit (BCT) winds down service gradually. If the evacuation order is given before service begins, no buses are put out on the street.

Description: When an evacuation is ordered, if buses are in service already, Broward County Transit (BCT) winds down service gradually. If the evacuation order is given before service begins, no buses are put out on the street.

Disaster Relief - Special Needs DSNAP

Special Needs Interview For DSNAP

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(855) 278-7136

Contact Hours: 8:00am -4:00pm (December 2 and 3, 2017)

Description: Telephone interviews for individuals with disabilities and the elderly who preregistered online by November 9 for the federal Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP).

Description: Telephone interviews for individuals with disabilities and the elderly who preregistered online by November 9 for the federal Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP).