Disaster Assistance

Ohio Avenue S Location

1525 Ohio Avenue S, Live Oak, FL, 32064

325 Miles—Get Directions

(386) 362-2681 Ext: 2

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM



Description: Provides grants to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who suffered losses or damage.

Description: Provides grants to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who suffered losses or damage.

Shelter Locator

Easterwood Drive Location

1115 Easterwood Drive, Tallahassee, FL, 32311

373 Miles—Get Directions

(850) 878-6080



Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund

Easterwood Drive Location

1115 Easterwood Drive, Tallahassee, FL, 32311

373 Miles—Get Directions

(850) 878-6080



Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Business Damage Assessment Survey

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Tallahassee, FL, 32399

377 Miles—Get Directions



Description: Provides a business damage assessment survey for disaster impacts in Florida.

Description: Provides a business damage assessment survey for disaster impacts in Florida.

Unmet Needs Self-Referral Form

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Tallahassee, FL, 32399

377 Miles—Get Directions

(850) 815-4000

Contact Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (website)



Description: Provides an online form to request assistance with unmet needs related to a disaster or severe weather event, such as food, transportation, housing, debris removal, and more.

Description: Provides an online form to request assistance with unmet needs related to a disaster or severe weather event, such as food, transportation, housing, debris removal, and more.

Florida Recovers - Temporary Sheltering Assistance

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Tallahassee, FL, 32399

377 Miles—Get Directions

(877) 771-6667

Contact Hours: 7 days a week, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM



Description: Provides temporary shelter assistance due to damage to an individual's home by Hurricane Idalia. Sheltering options include travel trailers and hotel rooms.

Description: Provides temporary shelter assistance due to damage to an individual's home by Hurricane Idalia. Sheltering options include travel trailers and hotel rooms.

Evacuation Assistance for Floridians in Haiti

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Tallahassee, FL, 32399

377 Miles—Get Directions

(850) 815-4000



Description: Provides an online form to request evacuation from Haiti.

Description: Provides an online form to request evacuation from Haiti.

National Flood Insurance Program

C Street SW Location

500 C Street SW, FEMA, Washington, DC, 20472

898 Miles—Get Directions

(800) 638-6620

Contact Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Description: For details on National Flood Insurance Program, see full description

Description: For details on National Flood Insurance Program, see full description

Operation Blue Roof

Not A Physical Location

Washington, DC, 20314

899 Miles—Get Directions

(888) 766-3258

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM



Description: Provides homeowners and permanently occupied rental properties in disaster areas with fiber-reinforced sheeting to cover their damaged roofs until arrangements can be made for permanent repairs at no cost.

Description: Provides homeowners and permanently occupied rental properties in disaster areas with fiber-reinforced sheeting to cover their damaged roofs until arrangements can be made for permanent repairs at no cost.

Disaster Distress Helpline

50 Broadway Location

50 Broadway, 19th Floor, New York, NY, 10004

1067 Miles—Get Directions

(800) 985-5990

Contact Hours: 24/7



Description: PLEASE CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS. Toll-free, multilingual, confidential hotline dedicated to providing year round disaster crisis counseling.

Description: PLEASE CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS. Toll-free, multilingual, confidential hotline dedicated to providing year round disaster crisis counseling.

Shelter Locator

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Alachua, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions



Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Alachua, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 AM - 5;00 PM



Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Broward County General Population Shelters

Banks Road Location

2450 Banks Road, Margate, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions



Description: Provides shelter and a basic level of care during an emergency.

Description: Provides shelter and a basic level of care during an emergency.

Disaster Relief - Miscellaneous Agencies

Fort Lauderdale FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Use for special referrals specific to any single disaster e.g. Hurricane where emergency relief utilizes agencies not listed in our database.

Description: Use for special referrals specific to any single disaster e.g. Hurricane where emergency relief utilizes agencies not listed in our database.

Disaster Relief - Victims Resources/Legal Assistance

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Resources for victims of a natural disaster are listed in the full description

Description: Resources for victims of a natural disaster are listed in the full description

Hurricane Preparation - Elderly

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Elderly residents are especially vulnerable in an emergency. In addition to routine preparedness preparations, elderly residents should take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS

Description: Elderly residents are especially vulnerable in an emergency. In addition to routine preparedness preparations, elderly residents should take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS

Disaster Transportation

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: When an evacuation is ordered, if buses are in service already, Broward County Transit (BCT) winds down service gradually. If the evacuation order is given before service begins, no buses are put out on the street.

Description: When an evacuation is ordered, if buses are in service already, Broward County Transit (BCT) winds down service gradually. If the evacuation order is given before service begins, no buses are put out on the street.

Disaster Relief - Special Needs DSNAP

Special Needs Interview For DSNAP

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(855) 278-7136

Contact Hours: 8:00am -4:00pm (December 2 and 3, 2017)

Description: Telephone interviews for individuals with disabilities and the elderly who preregistered online by November 9 for the federal Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP).

Description: Telephone interviews for individuals with disabilities and the elderly who preregistered online by November 9 for the federal Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP).

Disaster Relief - Volunteer-Hands on Broward

Hands On Broward - Disaster Relief - Volunteer

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: HandsOn Broward is recognized as a leader in Florida's Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF 15) - Volunteers and Donations - in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster.

Description: HandsOn Broward is recognized as a leader in Florida's Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF 15) - Volunteers and Donations - in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster.

FEMA - Lodging Assistance Services

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(800) 621-3362

Contact Hours: 24/7 (To apply for assistance by phone call 1-800-621-3362 or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY users)

Description: Provides lodging reimbursement for pre-qualified individuals from designated disaster areas.

Description: Provides lodging reimbursement for pre-qualified individuals from designated disaster areas.

Disaster Relief - RebuildingTogether Broward

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: RTB have been working hard to help our neighbors get back on their feet and now are beginning to expand our disaster relief support. If you know of anyone in dire need of repairs, clean-up/tree removal, please pass them along.

Description: RTB have been working hard to help our neighbors get back on their feet and now are beginning to expand our disaster relief support. If you know of anyone in dire need of repairs, clean-up/tree removal, please pass them along.

Federal Housing Finance Agency

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(888) 995-4673



Description: Provides mortgage assistance to homeowners affected by natural disasters. Those who are eligible will be delayed in making their monthly mortgage payments for some time.

Description: Provides mortgage assistance to homeowners affected by natural disasters. Those who are eligible will be delayed in making their monthly mortgage payments for some time.

Federal Reemployment Assistance

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(800) 385-3920

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM



Description: Provides unemployment benefits to eligible workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own.

Description: Provides unemployment benefits to eligible workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own.

Disaster Relief -School Board Free Lunch

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Contact Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:30am-3pm

Description: The School Board will offer free lunch for all students attending public schools. The School Board will offer free lunch for all students from September 25th - October 21st.

Description: The School Board will offer free lunch for all students attending public schools. The School Board will offer free lunch for all students from September 25th - October 21st.

Immigrant Families Assistance

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(800) 621-3362

Contact Hours: If you have a speech disability or hearing loss and use a TTY, call 1-800-427-5593 directly. If you use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS), call 1-800-621-3362

Description: You must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or a qualified alien to qualify for a grant from FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program. However, undocumented individuals can apply on behalf of a minor child who is a citizen with ss#.

Description: You must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or a qualified alien to qualify for a grant from FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program. However, undocumented individuals can apply on behalf of a minor child who is a citizen with ss#.

Disaster Relief - Strength After

Disaster Relief - Strength After a Disaster

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Contact Hours: Disaster Distress Helpline is here for you 24/7/365, Or, text TALKWITHUS to 66746.

Description: If you are experiencing emotional distress or other mental health concerns after a disaster, the strength after helpline is there for you to text or talk to someone about your feelings.

Description: If you are experiencing emotional distress or other mental health concerns after a disaster, the strength after helpline is there for you to text or talk to someone about your feelings.

Disaster Recovery Hotline

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(855) 228-3862



Description: Provides a hotline to assist with cleanup, tarping, and debris removal.

Description: Provides a hotline to assist with cleanup, tarping, and debris removal.

Price Gouging Hotline

Not A Physical Location

Tallahassee, Tallahassee, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(866) 966-7226



Description: Provides a price-gouging hotline activated during a declared State of Emergency. Florida residents and visitors are encouraged to call the hotline when price gouging is expected.

Description: Provides a price-gouging hotline activated during a declared State of Emergency. Florida residents and visitors are encouraged to call the hotline when price gouging is expected.