Shelter Locator

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Alachua, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions


Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Alachua, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 AM - 5;00 PM


Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Broward County General Population Shelters

Banks Road Location

2450 Banks Road, Margate, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions


Description: Provides shelter and a basic level of care during an emergency.

Description: Provides shelter and a basic level of care during an emergency.

Disaster Relief - Miscellaneous Agencies

Fort Lauderdale FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Use for special referrals specific to any single disaster e.g. Hurricane where emergency relief utilizes agencies not listed in our database.

Description: Use for special referrals specific to any single disaster e.g. Hurricane where emergency relief utilizes agencies not listed in our database.

Disaster Relief - Victims Resources/Legal Assistance

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Resources for victims of a natural disaster are listed in the full description

Description: Resources for victims of a natural disaster are listed in the full description

Hurricane Preparation - Elderly

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: Elderly residents are especially vulnerable in an emergency. In addition to routine preparedness preparations, elderly residents should take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS

Description: Elderly residents are especially vulnerable in an emergency. In addition to routine preparedness preparations, elderly residents should take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. CLICK ON FULL DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS

Disaster Transportation

Not a Physical Location

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: When an evacuation is ordered, if buses are in service already, Broward County Transit (BCT) winds down service gradually. If the evacuation order is given before service begins, no buses are put out on the street.

Description: When an evacuation is ordered, if buses are in service already, Broward County Transit (BCT) winds down service gradually. If the evacuation order is given before service begins, no buses are put out on the street.

Disaster Relief - Special Needs DSNAP

Special Needs Interview For DSNAP

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(855) 278-7136

Contact Hours: 8:00am -4:00pm (December 2 and 3, 2017)

Description: Telephone interviews for individuals with disabilities and the elderly who preregistered online by November 9 for the federal Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP).

Description: Telephone interviews for individuals with disabilities and the elderly who preregistered online by November 9 for the federal Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP).

Disaster Relief - Volunteer-Hands on Broward

Hands On Broward - Disaster Relief - Volunteer

5622 Miles—Get Directions

Description: HandsOn Broward is recognized as a leader in Florida's Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF 15) - Volunteers and Donations - in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster.

Description: HandsOn Broward is recognized as a leader in Florida's Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF 15) - Volunteers and Donations - in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster.

FEMA - Lodging Assistance Services

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, FL

5622 Miles—Get Directions

(800) 621-3362

Contact Hours: 24/7 (To apply for assistance by phone call 1-800-621-3362 or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY users)

Description: Provides lodging reimbursement for pre-qualified individuals from designated disaster areas.

Description: Provides lodging reimbursement for pre-qualified individuals from designated disaster areas.