Disaster Services

North Temple Avenue Location

945-B North Temple Avenue, Starke, FL, 32901

131 Miles—Get Directions

(904) 966-6336

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM



Description: Oversees county disaster services, including preparation, resources, community education, and recovery services.

Description: Oversees county disaster services, including preparation, resources, community education, and recovery services.

Evacuation Zones and Routes

Not a Physical Location

Gainesville, FL, 32601

267 Miles—Get Directions



Description: Provides a website for individuals to locate evacuation zones and routes.

Description: Provides a website for individuals to locate evacuation zones and routes.

Report Damages

Not a Physical Location

Gainesville, FL, 32601

267 Miles—Get Directions

(352) 213-2726



Description: Provides a website with a form to report damages due to a storm.

Description: Provides a website with a form to report damages due to a storm.

Shelter Locator

Northwest 6th Street Location

1425 Northwest 6th Street, Gainesville, FL, 32601

267 Miles—Get Directions

(352) 376-4669



Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

Description: Provides a current list of open shelters in the event of an emergency.

American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund

Northwest 6th Street Location

1425 Northwest 6th Street, Gainesville, FL, 32601

267 Miles—Get Directions

(352) 376-4669



Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Description: For cash contributions to the general Disaster Relief Fund of the American Red Cross. Donations may be made by phone, mail or Internet.

Non-Residential Family Crisis Intervention Counseling

Northeast 24th Street Location

2310 Northeast 24th Street, Ocala, FL, 34470

233 Miles—Get Directions

(352) 622-6135

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM



Description: Provides counseling, community resources, effective conflict resolution skills, and assists with opening lines of communication.

Description: Provides counseling, community resources, effective conflict resolution skills, and assists with opening lines of communication.

Alert Bradford - Emergency Alert Program

Not a Physical Location

Starke, FL, 32091

281 Miles—Get Directions

(904) 966-2276



Description: Provides information on severe weather, critical law enforcement activity, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

Description: Provides information on severe weather, critical law enforcement activity, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

Code RED Emergency Notification System

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Ocala, FL, 34475

237 Miles—Get Directions

(352) 629-2489

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM (Call Center)



Description: Provides real-time alerts, warnings, community emergencies, missing person reports, evacuation notices, severe weather alerts, boil water notices, and more.

Description: Provides real-time alerts, warnings, community emergencies, missing person reports, evacuation notices, severe weather alerts, boil water notices, and more.

Disaster Services

Southeast Highway 19 Location

17600 Southeast Highway 19, Cross City, FL, 32628

291 Miles—Get Directions

(352) 498-1240

Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM



Description: Oversees county disaster services, including preparation, community education, and recovery services. Also maintains the Special Needs Registry for individuals who need assistance with evacuation and shelter in a disaster.

Description: Oversees county disaster services, including preparation, community education, and recovery services. Also maintains the Special Needs Registry for individuals who need assistance with evacuation and shelter in a disaster.

Alert Dixie - Emergency Alert Program

Not a Physical Location

Not a Physical Location, Cross City, FL, 32628

291 Miles—Get Directions



Description: Provides critical information in various situations, such as severe weather, critical law enforcement activity, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

Description: Provides critical information in various situations, such as severe weather, critical law enforcement activity, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.